внутри KEELOQ HCS Devices
HCS200 HCS201 HCS300 HCS301 HCS320
HCS360 HCS361 HCS362
HCSxxx File -> Import HEx Notes:
The first line only may be imported from SQTP
*.NUM files generated by the KEELOQ tool in
Connections for HCS devices
PICkit 2 Pin HCS Device Pin
(2) Vdd 8
(3) GND 5
(5) PGC /3 HCS20x, 320
\3 -or- 4 HCS30x, 36x
(4) PGD 6
(1) VPP 2 HCS360, 361 only
MCP250xx CAN Devices
MCP25020 MCP25025
MCP25050 MCP25055
!!IMPORTANT!! - MCP250xx devices are OTP and can only be
programmed once.
Connections for MCP250xx devices
PICkit 2 Pin MCP Device Pin (DIP)
(1) Vpp 11 Vpp
(2) Vdd 14 VDD
- The MCP device MUST be powered from PICkit 2!
(3) GND 7 Vss
(4) PGD 5 DATA
Serial EEPROM Devices
NOTE: Other supported voltage grades are listed in parentheses
next to the device. Select the "LC" part number to program
these other voltage grades.
11LC010 (AA)
11LC020 (AA)
11LC040 (AA)
11LC080 (AA)
11LC160 (AA)
24LC00 (AA)(C) 25LC010A (AA)
24LC01B (AA) 25LC020A (AA)
24LC02B (AA) 25LC040A (AA)
24LC04B (AA) 25LC080A (AA)
24LC08B (AA) 25LC080B (AA)
24LC16B (AA) 25LC160A (AA)
24LC32A (AA) 25LC160B (AA)
24LC64 (AA)(FC) 25LC320A (AA)
24LC128 (AA)(FC) 25LC640A (AA)
24LC256 (AA)(FC) 25LC128 (AA)
24LC512 (AA)(FC) 25LC256 (AA)
24LC1025 (AA)(FC) 25LC512 (AA)
25LC1024 (AA)
93LC46A/B/C (AA)(-C)
93LC56A/B/C (AA)(-C)
93LC66A/B/C (AA)(-C)
93LC76A/B/C (AA)(-C)
93LC86A/B/C (AA)(-C)
Connections for 11LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 11LC Device Pin (DIP)
(2) Vdd ! 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(6) AUX 5 SCIO
! 11LC devices may not program properly below 3.6V VDD.
This is a limitation of the PICkit 2 AUX IO pin.
Connections for 24LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 24LC Device Pin (DIP)
(2) Vdd ! 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(5) PGC 6 SCL (driven as push-pull)
(6) AUX 5 SDA (requires pullup)
7 WP - disabled (GND)
1, 2, 3 Ax pins
Connect to Vdd or GND per
datasheet and to set address
! 24LC devices may not program properly below 3.6V VDD.
This is a limitation of the PICkit 2 AUX IO pin.
Connections for 25LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 25LC Device Pin (DIP)
(1) VPP 1 nCS
(2) Vdd 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(4) PGD 2 SO
(5) PGC 6 SCK
(6) AUX 5 SI
7 nHOLD - disabled (Vdd)
3 nWP - disabled (Vdd)
Connections for 93LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 93LC Device Pin (DIP)
(1) VPP 1 CS
(2) Vdd 8 Vcc
(3) GND 5 Vss
(4) PGD 4 DO
(5) PGC 2 CLK
(6) AUX 3 DI
7 PE - enabled (Vdd)
6 'C' Device ORG
Set to select word size
- пасиб - abivan(18.12.2014 16:04)