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18 июля
General (02.06.2004 12:11, просмотров: 9463)
Все только начинается. Бойцы сваяли импульсный стабилизатор на 10 ватт с интегральным дросселем на борту. http://www.elecdesign.com/Articles/ArticleID/8000/8000.html
It outputs 3 A of current and 10 W of power, yet it measures 8.1 by 12.5 mm, is 2.2 mm high, and takes up a mere 135 mm2 of pc-board space. In spite of these features, its bill-of-materials (BOM) cost competes with existing products. All right, enough To Tell The Truth. This mystery guest is the EN5330 power system on a chip (PSoC) from two-year-old startup Enpirion. According to the company, the EN5330 is the world's smallest PSoC and the fastest dc-dc buck converter for point-of-load (POL) applications. With a controller, FETs, and an inductor built in, the chip only requires three external capacitors and a resistor to work. Enpirion says it's the first dc-dc converter with an inductor on-chip. "We are offering the smallest and fastest dc-dc converter on the market," claims Brett Etter, Enpirion's marketing director. "All you need is an extra 10-µF input capacitor, some 40 to 50 µF for an output capacitor, a small-value capacitor for programmable soft-start capability, and an external ground resistor, and you're all set to go" The external resistor won't be needed in the final version. The 10-W, 3-A EN5330 has been sampling since January. Samples of a 20-W 6-A version have just become available. Production quantities for both are slated for the third quarter. Enpirion offers two power device lines. The iPower line, which includes the EN5330, targets POL applications. The miPower line of converters is optimized for power-sensitive, space-constrained, and high-efficiency applications like digital cameras, cell phones, PDAs, and MP3 players. The EN5330 costs $4.95 each in 1000-unit quantities. Evaluation boards are also available. http://www.enpirion.com