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De_User (15.11.2007 21:00, просмотров: 125) ответил AVR на Вроде синхронно с CPU Clock - <= Fcpu/2, асинхронно - < Fcpu/4
В ATMEGA2561 нашёл описание Each half period of the external clock applied must be longer than one system clock cycle to ensure correct sampling. The external clock must be guaranteed to have less than half the system clock frequency (fExtClk < fclk_I/O/2) given a 50/50% duty cycle. Since the edge detector uses sampling, the maximum frequency of an external clock it can detect is half the sampling frequency (Nyquist sampling theorem). However, due to variation of the system clock frequency and duty cycle caused by Oscillator source (crystal, resonator, and capacitors) tolerances, it is recommended
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