=AlexD= (26.11.2007 12:52, просмотров: 316) ответил Evgeny_CD на Ну как сказать... Смотрит какой-нибудь горе системный архитектор (начитавшийся глянца о новом поколении процов) на запросы алгоритма - XXX GFLOPS. Планирует - у нас 4 ядра, суммируем, получаем что все успеет. Делаем приложение - а оно не таво :) Насчет
Хм, ну раз интересно... Интеловский компилятор поддерживает автоматическое распараллеливание, вообще без какой-либо модификации программы.Ключ -parallel :-) Multi-Threaded Application Support
OpenMP and auto-parallelization help convert serial applications into parallel applications, allowing you to take full advantage of multi-core technology like the Intel® Core™ Duo processor and Dual-Core Intel Itanium 2 processor, as well as symmetric multi-processing systems:
* OpenMP is the industry standard for portable multi-threaded application development. It is effective at fine-grain (loop-level) and large-grain (function-level) threading.
OpenMP directives are an easy and powerful way to convert serial applications into parallel applications, enabling potentially big performance gains from parallel execution on multi-core and symmetric multiprocessor systems.
* Auto Parallelization improves application performance on multiprocessor systems by means of automatic threading of loops. This option detects parallel loops capable of being executed safely in parallel and automatically generates multi-threaded code.
Automatic parallelization relieves the user from having to deal with the low-level details of iteration partitioning, data sharing, thread scheduling, and synchronizations. It also provides the performance benefits available from multiprocessor systems and systems that support Hyper-Threading Technology (HT Technology).
For more information on multi-threaded application support, visit Intel's Threading Developer Center.
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