General (23.06.2004 15:51, просмотров: 1) ответил Antimouse на C TUSB3410 дел не имел, но FTDI FT232BM использовал, работает нормально без глюков, WinXP её узнает без простановки драйверов, если VID и PID FTDI-ный пропишите.
Насколько я понял, TUSB просто совсем новый и еще не попал в мейнстрим. Хотя он не хуже и дешевле в 2 раза.
USB Features
Fully compliant with USB 2.0 full speed Specifications
Supports 12-Mbps USB data rate (full speed)
Supports USB suspend, resume, and remote wakeup operations
Supports two power source modes:
Bus-powered mode
Self-powered mode
Can support a total of 3-input and 3-output (interrupt, bulk) endpoints
General Features
Integrated 8052 microcontroller with
256 × 8 RAM for internal data
10K × 8 ROM (with USB and I2C boot loader)
16K × 8 RAM for code space loadable from host or I2C port
2K × 8 Shared RAM used for data buffers and endpoint descriptor blocks (EDB)
Four GPIO pins from 8052 port 3
Master I2C controller for EEPROM device access
MCU operates at 24 MHz providing 2 MIPS operation
128-ms Watchdog Timer
Built-in two-channel DMA controller for USB/UART bulk I/O
Operates from a 12-MHz crystal
Supports USB suspend and resume
Supports remote wake-up
Available in 32-pin LQFP
3.3-V operation with 1.8-V core operating voltage provided by on-chip 1.8-V voltage regulator
Enhanced UART Features
Software/hardware flow control:
Programmable Xon/Xoff characters
Programmable Auto-RTS\/DTR\ and Auto-CTS\/DSR\
Automatic RS485-bus transceiver control, with and without echo
Selectable IrDA mode for up to 115.2 kbps transfer
Software selectable baud rate from 50 to 921.6 k baud
Programmable serial-interface characteristics
5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-Bit characters
Even, odd, or no parity-bit generation and detection
1-, 1.5-, or 2-Stop bit generation
Line break generation and detection
Internal test and loop-back capabilities
Modem-control functions (CTS\, RTS\, DSR\, DTR\, RI\, and DCD\)
Internal diagnostics capability
Loopback control for communications link-fault isolation
Break, parity, overrun, framing-error simulation