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=L.A.= (15.12.2003 20:40, просмотров: 1) ответил =L.A.= на А я тебе вроде присылал ту инструкцию в мыло ( давно ). Если не прое.. потерялась, могу еще раз прислать.
Вот , нашел, но тут, мне каэца, не совсем то что тебе надо. В общем, смотри As with any modifications to the registry, it is recommended that a backup of the registry is made before making changes. Copy registry files (SYSTEM.DAT and USER>DAT) to a different subdirectory.
1. Be sure to disable the device that uses COM (1-4) in the machine BIOS.
2. Be sure that COMx does not appear in Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT).
4a. In the path "My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\NMMF
4b. In the path "My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\NMENUM
4c. In the path "My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\MF\CHILD0000,
find PCI&VEV_9710

Select and edit "PortName" to change "COM5" or "COM6" to "COM3" or "COM4", select and delete "ForcedConfig"
5. In the path "My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\devicemap\serialcomm, be sure to have the string COM 2-4, if not add it.
6. Close REGEDIT and run modem diagnostics in COMx.
Attention to The Windows Me users:
Windows 98 driver is written for both Windows 98 and Windows Me.
Checking COM and LPT configuration under Windows 95/98/98SE/Me:
Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel. Click on System Icon, select Device Manager Tab, scroll down to ports (COM & LPT), click on ports (COM & LPT), you will see installed NetMos ports, select one of the ports and double click. Select the Resources Tab for Input/Output (I/O) address and IRQ settings.
If a Yellow mark is displayed in front of the ports after restart, repeat the above steps and de-select "Use Automatic Settings" and restart the computer. This may happen with some motherboards and BIOS's.
Checking COM and LPT configuration under Windows NT4.0:
The Windows NT does not provide any information to the user regarding the port assignment and IRQ settings. Please follow the procedure below to see if the driver and card are installed properly.
Click on Start > Programs > Administrative Tools (Common)> Windows NT Diagnostics
Select the Services Tab, click on the Devices selection box, and scroll down until you see the following notes.
NetMos Multi I/O Parallel Driver Running "for parallel ports"
NetMos Multi I/O Serial Driver Running "for serial ports"
If it displays as "stopped", it means the driver did not see the card and it is not functioning properly.
Checking COM and LPT configuration under Windows 2000:
Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel. Click on the System Icon, select the Hardware Tab, under Device Manager section, select Device Manager box, scroll down to ports (COM & LPT), click on ports (COM & LPT), you will see installed NetMos ports. Select one of the ports and double click. Select Resources Tab for Input/Output I/O address and IRQ settings.