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18 июля
General (28.06.2004 15:23, просмотров: 3191)
Цитата: "TMS320LC2401A for as low as $1.95" http://focus.ti.com/docs/pr/pressrelease.jhtml?prelId=sc04150
Helping original equipment manufacturers to meet size and cost restrictions while bringing real time processing to their designs, the flash based TMS320LF2401A and read only memory (ROM) based TMS320LC2401A digital signal controllers from Texas Instruments (TI) (NYSE: TXN) are now available at lower prices, including the LC2401A for as low as $1.95 in high volumes. These devices bring TI´s leading digital signal processing (DSP) technology to a variety of embedded control applications ranging from white goods to power tools to industrial automation. The LF2401A and the pin compatible LC2401A, at only 7 x 7 millimeters, process 40 million instructions per second (MIPS) and are ideal for space constrained applications that need the power and integration that DSP technology offers, and the control peripheral set and ease of use of a microcontroller (MCU). To obtain more information on both digital signal controllers, see www.ti.com/2401pr.