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IBAH (23.06.2021 21:51, просмотров: 242) ответил sav6622 на направление ? не ?
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Bits 11:10 MSIZE[1:0]: Memory size
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: 8-bits
01: 16-bits
10: 32-bits
11: Reserved
Bits 9:8 PSIZE[1:0]: Peripheral size
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: 8-bits
01: 16-bits
10: 32-bits
11: Reserved
Bit 7 MINC: Memory increment mode
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Memory increment mode disabled
1: Memory increment mode enabled
Bit 6 PINC: Peripheral increment mode
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Peripheral increment mode disabled
1: Peripheral increment mode enabled
Bit 5 CIRC: Circular mode
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Circular mode disabled
1: Circular mode enabled
Bit 4 DIR: Data transfer direction
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Read from peripheral
1: Read from memory