STM32: Для чего используется сброс вместо вхождения в Standby или
Stop? Читаю STM32F4 Reference Manual (RM0090), p150.
Low-power management reset
There are two ways of generating a low-power management reset:
1. Reset generated when entering the Standby mode:
This type of reset is enabled by resetting the nRST_STDBY bit in the user option bytes. In this case, whenever a Standby mode entry sequence is successfully executed, the device is reset instead of entering the Standby mode.
2. Reset when entering the Stop mode:
This type of reset is enabled by resetting the nRST_STOP bit in the user option bytes. In this case, whenever a Stop mode entry sequence is successfully executed, the device is reset instead of entering the Stop mode.
Автоматический сброс при выходе понятен. Но для чего используется сброс вместо вхождения в Standby или Stop?