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йцyкeн (20.12.2021 11:50, просмотров: 190) ответил misyachniy на Решено "Не удалось получить дескриптор порта" по Win 64 bit.
Сначала неплохо бы знать, что такое дескриптор COM порта. Я открываю COM порт как файл, получаю на руки file handle. 
	HANDLE ComPort = CreateFile("COM3",
		0,    /* comm devices must be opened w/exclusive-access */
		NULL, /* no security attrs */
		OPEN_EXISTING, /* comm devices must use OPEN_EXISTING */
		0,    /* not overlapped I/O */
		NULL  /* hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices */

		CloseHandle( ComPort );
		throw "Error opening COM port";

	DCB dcb;
	BOOL fSuccess;

	// Get the current configuration.
	fSuccess = GetCommState(ComPort, &dcb);
	if (!fSuccess) 
		CloseHandle( ComPort );
		throw "Error reading Device Control Block";

	dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200;
	dcb.ByteSize = 8;
	dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
	dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
	dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
	dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;

	fSuccess = SetCommState(ComPort, &dcb);

	if (!fSuccess) 
		CloseHandle( ComPort );
		throw "Error writing Device Control Block";

	if( !SetupComm( ComPort, 0x2000 /*size of input buffer*/, 0x2000 /*size of output buffer*/ ) )
		CloseHandle( ComPort );
		throw "Error with SetupCom";
	//Set Timeouts
	GetCommTimeouts( ComPort, &cto ); 
	cto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
	SetCommTimeouts( ComPort, &cto );

	if( !PurgeComm( ComPort, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR ) )
		CloseHandle( ComPort );
		throw "Error with PurgeCom";