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Kceния (22.02.2022 17:03, просмотров: 3295) ответил Rainman62 на Ксения, не подскажете ли - EmbOS с ограничениями, или нет?
Не знаю, но предположу, что без ограничений. Потому что даже trial-версия, доступная с сайта segger.com, не содержит функциональных ограничений, а ограничена лишь временем работы и числом запусков, тогда как из-под IAR едва ли возможно эти ограничения проверить. 
Dear embOS tester, this embos trial version should serve as an "easy start" with embOS. All project pathes are relative to the project file. You should therefore be able to copy the entire directory (including all subdirectories) to any location on your harddrive. Please make sure all files are r/w.
The only limitation in embOS trial version is a time limit of 12 hours. There is no functional limitation. The embOS trial versions runs unlimited as long as only up to 3 tasks are created. If more than three tasks were created, the system stops when the time limit exceeded. You may only use the trial version in order to evaluate embOS for fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances it may be used in a product.
