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abivan (09.04.2008 16:06, просмотров: 79) ответил vitek на пожалуйста дайте кусок кода, а то у меня не работает
example /* FINDSTR.C illustrates memory and string search functions including: * memchr strchr strrchr strstr */ #include <memory.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> int ch = 'r'; char str[] = "lazy"; char string[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox"; char fmt1[] = " 1 2 3 4 5"; char fmt2[] = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; void main() { char *pdest; int result; printf( "String to be searched:\n\t\t%s\n", string ); printf( "\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\n", fmt1, fmt2 ); printf( "Function:\tmemchr\n" ); printf( "Search char:\t%c\n", ch ); pdest = memchr( string, ch, sizeof( string ) ); result = pdest - string + 1; if( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result:\t\t%c found at position %d\n\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result:\t\t%c not found\n" ); printf( "Function:\tstrchr\n" ); printf( "Search char:\t%c\n", ch ); pdest = strchr( string, ch ); result = pdest - string + 1; if( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result:\t\t%c found at position %d\n\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result:\t\t%c not found\n" ); printf( "Function:\tstrrchr\n" ); printf( "Search char:\t%c\n", ch ); pdest = strrchr( string, ch ); result = pdest - string + 1; if( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result:\t\t%c found at position %d\n\n", ch, result ); else printf( "Result:\t\t%c not found\n" ); printf( "Function:\tstrstr\n" ); printf( "Search string:\t%s\n", str ); pdest = strstr( string, str ); result = pdest - string + 1; if( pdest != NULL ) printf( "Result:\t\t%s found at position %d\n\n", str, result ); else printf( "Result:\t\t%c not found\n" ); }
String to be searched:
                The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox
                         1         2         3         4         5

Function:       memchr
Search char:    r
Result:         r found at position 12

Function:       strchr
Search char:    r
Result:         r found at position 12

Function:       strrchr
Search char:    r
Result:         r found at position 30

Function:       strstr
Search string:  lazy
Result:         lazy found at position 36