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BOП (20.02.2023 17:40, просмотров: 19) ответил POV на Нее, нам с ними не по пути. Господь, жги эту Европу.
Ну, то что ты дурак я уже писал. Правда жечь действительно вы умеете. А еще врать везде. Вот почитай... 

Is bestiality legal in Spain?

With the reform of the Penal Code recently approved in Congress, article 337 is deleted and a new title XVI bis is introduced in book II that will be initialed as: "Crimes against animals" and is worded as follows:

"It will be punished with a prison sentence of three to eighteen months or a fine of six to twelve months and with the penalty of special disqualification from one to five years for the exercise of a profession, trade or trade that is related to animals and for the possession of animals which, outside of legally regulated activities and by any means or procedure, including acts of a sexual nature , causes an injury to a vertebrate animal that requires veterinary treatment to restore its health".

In other words, the sexual exploitation of animals is eliminated as an independent crime. From now on it will only be punishable in the event that it causes an injury to the animal. This is surprising coming precisely from United We Can, the party that established that dogs, cats and other animals were to be considered sentient beings or living beings endowed with sensitivity.