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Toчкa oпopы (27.07.2023 21:59, просмотров: 64) ответил Dingo на Win
Вот. Исходник на Паскале надо? 

Binary to CSV-file parse utility, v1.1.

Usage: binparse <filename> <width> [<endian> <records>]

"filename" - file to parse, "width" - entry width (1 to 4 bytes), "endian" - "le" for little-endian (default - big-endian), "records" - number of records in CSV line. "Filename" and "endian" are string type, "width" and "records" - numeric. Result file have same name and ".csv" extention. Any oddities at end of file extends as zeroes at appropriate position. F.e. AB CD EF 00 01 will be parsed to words as "43981;61184;256;" for big-endian and "52651;239;1;" for little-endian.

Stanislaw Leschinsky, stass@fulcrum.ru, 2008, 2012.


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