Онлайн GERBER-вьювер. Проверьте и расскажите HQDFM Gerber Viewer is a completely free, online tool for displaying and reviewing PCB Gerber files and OBD++ files.
Unlike EDA software’s built-in DRC checks, HQDFM allows designers to navigate and analyze the production files and check for design issues that may impact manufacturing or cause long-term reliability issues. With HQDFM, designers are given a manufacturer’s perspective and have valuable insights into how they can improve their designs.
Check for over 20 Design for Manufacture issues
Navigate your PCB layer-by-layer
Free downloadable DFM Report for more detailed analysis
Easy, one-click ordering with HQ NextPCB
Absolutely free
Based on the free desktop version, the cross-platform, online HQDFM makes the easy-to-use Gerber Viewer function and DFM analysis available to everyone, including Mac and Linux users with no download or installation and no sign-up. Anyone can freely upload PCB production files to the online interface and view their design in seconds.
HQDFM supports X2 and RS-274x PCB Gerber formats, Excellon drill files and OBD++ files and works with Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers.