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TPS325M0 ... TPS325M5. IAR поддерживает.
32-bit STAR-MC1 core with FPU based on Arm v8-M architecture
Compatible with Cortex-M33 instruction set
Operation frequency up to 156 MHz
512KB to 2MB Flash memory; 128KB-336KB SRAM memory
One 12-bit ADC with 14-external and 6-internal channels.Resolution up to 12-bit at 2.5Msps.
One 12-bit DAC channels,2 x buffered external channels 1 Msps
Two fast rail-to-rail analog comparators (CMP) with built-in 6-bit DAC for internal voltage reference
Two operational amplifiers (OA) that can be used in PGA/buffer/GP mode
TPSensor capacitive sensing interface supports up to 17 external channels
2 x I2C;7 x UART;3 x SPI;Quad SPl;CAN 2.0B
5 x 16-bit and 1 x 32-bit general purpose timers,3 x16-bit advanced timers, IWDG, WWDG, SysTick Timer, Real Time Clock with Calendar
96-bit unique Chip ID
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC32)
True random number generator (TRNG)
AES:128/192/256-bit key encryption hardware accelerator
Supply Voltage: 1.71~3.63V
-40~85°C and -40~105°C
LQFP100, LQFP80, LQFP64, QFN88
32-bit STAR-MC1 core with FPU based on Arm v8-M architecture
Compatible with Cortex-M33 instruction set
Operation frequency up to 156 MHz
512KB to 2MB Flash memory; 128KB-336KB SRAM memory
One 12-bit ADC with 14-external and 6-internal channels.Resolution up to 12-bit at 2.5Msps.
One 12-bit DAC channels,2 x buffered external channels 1 Msps
Two fast rail-to-rail analog comparators (CMP) with built-in 6-bit DAC for internal voltage reference
Two operational amplifiers (OA) that can be used in PGA/buffer/GP mode
2 x 12C;7 x UART;3 x SPl;Quad SPl;CAN 2.0B
5 x 16-bit and 1 x 32-bit general purpose timers,3 x16-bit advanced timers IWDG, WWDG, SysTick Timer, Real Time Clock with Calendar
96-bit unique Chip ID
Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC32)
True random number generator(TRNG)
AES:128/192/256-bit key encryption hardware accelerator
Supply Voltage:1.71~3.63V
-40~85°C and -40~105°C