ISE 10: Pack:1107 - Unable to combine the following symbols into a single IOB ... Что я делаю не так?
Running directed packing...Pack:1107 - Unable to combine the following symbols into a single IOB component: BUF symbol "PLL_BACK_OBUF" (Output Signal = PLL_BACK) PAD symbol "PLL_BACK" (Pad Signal = PLL_BACK) A generic IO component of type IOB was chosen because the IO contains symbols and/or properties consistent with input, output, or bi-directional usage and contains no other symbols or properties that require a more specific IO component type. Each of the following constraints specifies an illegal physical site for a component of type IOB: Symbol "PLL_BACK" (LOC=G16 [Physical Site Type = CLK_N]) The component type is determined by the types of logic and the properties and configuration of the logic it contains. Please double check that the types of logic elements and all of their relevant properties and configuration options are compatible with the physical site type of the constraint. Please correct the constraints accordingly.Pack:1107 - Unable to combine the following symbols into a single IOB component: BUF symbol "NMI_OBUF" (Output Signal = NMI) PAD symbol "NMI" (Pad Signal = NMI) A generic IO component of type IOB was chosen because the IO contains symbols and/or properties consistent with input, output, or bi-directional usage and contains no other symbols or properties that require a more specific IO component type. Each of the following constraints specifies an illegal physical site for a component of type IOB: Symbol "NMI" (LOC=F16 [Physical Site Type = CLK_P]) The component type is determined by the types of logic and the properties and configuration of the logic it contains. Please double check that the types of logic elements and all of their relevant properties and configuration options are compatible with the physical site type of the constraint. Please correct the constraints
entity top is port( ........................ PLL_BACK : out std_logic; NMI : out std_logic; ........................);component sys_control port( ........................ NMI : out std_logic; ........................);component pll_cpu port( CLK_IN : in std_ulogic; FEEDBACK : in std_ulogic; RESET : in std_ulogic; PIN_OUT : out std_ulogic; LOCKED : out std_ulogic); end component;pll_cpu_insertion : pll_cpu port map ( CLK_IN => PLL_XC_L, FEEDBACK => PLL_XC_H, PIN_OUT => PLL_BACK, RESET => '0', LOCKED => PLL_LOCKED );sys_control_insertion : sys_control port map( NMI => NMI,pll_cpu.vhdlibrary IEEE;use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Library UNISIM;use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;entity pll_cpu is port( CLK_IN : in std_logic; FEEDBACK : in std_logic; RESET : in std_logic; LOCKED : out std_logic; PIN_OUT : out std_logic );end pll_cpu;architecture pll_cpu of pll_cpu iscomponent BUFG port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic );end component;component DCM generic( CLKDV_DIVIDE : REAL := 2.0; CLKFX_DIVIDE : INTEGER := 1; CLKFX_MULTIPLY : INTEGER := 4; CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 : BOOLEAN := FALSE; CLKIN_PERIOD : REAL := 0.0; CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT : STRING := "NONE"; CLK_FEEDBACK : STRING := "1X"; DESKEW_ADJUST : STRING := "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"; DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE : STRING := "LOW"; DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE : STRING := "LOW"; DSS_MODE : STRING := "NONE"; DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION : BOOLEAN := TRUE; FACTORY_JF : BIT_VECTOR := X"C080"; PHASE_SHIFT : INTEGER := 0; STARTUP_WAIT : BOOLEAN := FALSE ); port ( CLKFB : in std_logic := '0'; CLKIN : in std_logic := '0'; DSSEN : in std_logic := '0'; PSCLK : in std_logic := '0'; PSEN : in std_logic := '0'; PSINCDEC : in std_logic := '0'; RST : in std_logic := '0'; CLK0 : out std_logic := '0'; CLK180 : out std_logic := '0'; CLK270 : out std_logic := '0'; CLK2X : out std_logic := '0'; CLK2X180 : out std_logic := '0'; CLK90 : out std_logic := '0'; CLKDV : out std_logic := '0'; CLKFX : out std_logic := '0'; CLKFX180 : out std_logic := '0'; LOCKED : out std_logic := '0'; PSDONE : out std_logic := '0'; STATUS : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) := "00000000" );end component;signal NET345 : std_logic; beginU1 : DCM port map( CLKFB=> FEEDBACK, CLKIN=> NET345, DSSEN=> '0', PSCLK=> '0', PSEN=> '0', PSINCDEC=> '0', RST=> RESET, CLK0=> PIN_OUT, CLK90=> OPEN, CLK180=> OPEN, CLK270=> OPEN, CLK2x=> OPEN, CLK2x180=> OPEN, CLKDV=> OPEN, CLKFX=> OPEN, CLKFX180=> OPEN, STATUS=> OPEN, PSDONE=> OPEN, LOCKED=> LOCKED );U2 : BUFG port map( I => CLK_IN, O => NET345 );end pll_cpu;
- А почему просто - первый пост не подкорректировал? - General(12.11.2008 18:36)
- А серые ники могут редактировать сообщения? - rezident(13.11.2008 00:49)
- неа - General(13.11.2008 12:01)
- А серые ники могут редактировать сообщения? - rezident(13.11.2008 00:49)
- Код съело. Повторный эксперимент. +++(5491 знак., 12.11.2008 11:12, )
- А почему просто - первый пост не подкорректировал? - General(12.11.2008 18:36)