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Solo (29.12.2023 14:01, просмотров: 111) ответил Kpoк на Довелось мне как-то юзать ADS1253 от ТИ. Там у них чётко описано, сколько времени проходит между переключением каналов и появлением достоверного результата. Что-то под 1200 периодов тактового генератора.

The digital filter requires five conversions to fully settle. The

modulator has an oversampling ratio of 64, therefore, it

requires 5 • 64, or 320 modulator results, or clocks, to fully

settle. Since the modulator clock is derived from the system

clock (CLK) (modulator clock = CLK ‚ 6), the number of

system clocks required for the digital filter to fully settle is

5 • 64 • 6, or 1920 CLKs. This means that any significant

step change at the analog input requires five full conversions

to settle. However, if the step change at the analog input

occurs asynchronously to the DOUT/DRDY pulse, six con-

versions are required to ensure full settling.