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бомжнаработе (19.11.2008 17:10, просмотров: 207) ответил Ксения на inf-файл USB-драйвера. Правовые вопросы.
Вы не имеете права ставить VID и PID какие взбрендит. Их надо официально получить. Иначе Ваш прибор будет конфликтовать с другими приборами, официально использующими те же VID/PID. Obtaining a VID and PID Each device on a single USB bus must have a unique VID, PID and Serial Number combination. Vendor IDs are owned by the vendor company and are assigned by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) only. Details about obtaining a unique VID can be found at www.usb.org/developers/vendor. To obtain the right to license the USB-IF logo you must register your product's VID and PID with USB-IF and submit your product to the USB-IF Compliance Program. USB-IF Compliance Program details can be found at www.usb.org/developers/compliance. Once your product has been certified it can be added to the USB-IF Integrators List, and the "Certified USB" logo can be used on your product. If you do not wish to license the USB-IF logo the default Silicon Laboratories VID can be used. We recommend obtaining a unique PID for your product. To obtain a unique PID, contact Silicon Laboratories and one will be assigned to your product. Having a unique PID will reduce the chances that another device with the same VID, PID and Serial Number will appear on the same USB bus.