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Evgeny_CD, Архитектор (10.01.2009 11:28, просмотров: 159) ответил Evgeny_CD на Буки
Designing Embedded Communications Software http://book.pdfchm.com/designing-embedded-communications-software-5570/
Publisher: CMP Books Publication: 2003, English ISBN: 9781578201259 Pages: 212 Create network communications software with a thorough understanding of the essential system-level design and implementation choices and how they affect the performance and maintainability of your embedded system. An examination of the OSI 7-layer model serves as a starting point for a logical partitioning of software functionality in a communications system. With this foundation, you explore a development model that addresses the complete range of issues in the design of embedded communications software, including real-time operating systems, hardware and software partitioning, layering, and protocol stacks. Delve into the design techniques (state tables, upper- and lower-level interfaces, configuration techniques, buffer and timer management) that enable clean, understandable implementations of even complex protocols. Explore specialized design issues, including task and table management, as well as implementation issues that include: how device and network management capabilities should interact with the stack how to handle system startup and configuration what special requirements multi-board designs impose Combine the recommended design and development processes—complete with a list of appropriate equipment and tools—with your newfound perspective to tackle your next project. About the Author T. Sridhar is CTO & vice president of engineering at FutureSoft where his work includes software architecture design for communications systems. Communications software development has been his specialty for over 15 years, including the development of switches and routers, and most recently, the implementation of distributed and plane separated architectures using network processors. Sridhar has taught classes at the Embedded Systems Conference and contributed articles in Communications System Design, and Embedded System Programming magazines, among others. He has an MSEE from the University of Texas at Austin and a BE in Electronics and communications from the College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai, India.