а вот этого не найдется ? буду признателен! Upgrade EWRH850 3.10 to 3.10.2
а то ругается
your license ror IAR Embedded Workbench for renesas RH850 entitles you to extract the following package:
IAR Librari source for RH850
NOTE: Exnracting the files requires administrator privileges.
would you like extract the files now?
и выдает ошибку failed to extract the package/
the license for RH850.EW.LIBSRS 1.4 did not heve velue for the variable PAS.
pres enter to continuue
faled to ran the extraction command .
c: program files (X86) IAR sistems \ Embedded Workbench RH850 8.1 \ comon \ bin \ IarUnpacxker.exe returned 1
и все, выручайте!!!