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General (05.10.2004 11:46, просмотров: 1) ответил General на 16 Mhz, WDT + 32768+броунаут < 1мка
Сегоднешний пресс-релиз. Там оказывается еще +/- 2.5% on-chip oscillator, pull-up/pull-down resistors, and increased number of analog inputs. The in-system programmable Flash has been improved with smaller 64-byte segments, harsh environments benefit from http://focus.ti.com/docs/pr/pressrelease.jhtml?prelId=sc04194
a zero-power brown-out reset (BOR) function, a new failsafe clock system, enhanced watchdog timer. crystal connections are also filtered to prevent external noise. Короче- прямым текстом заявлена желанная дубовость. Products designed for harsh environments benefit from a zero-power brown-out reset (BOR) function, a new failsafe clock system, enhanced watchdog timer and improved bootstrap loader (BSL). In the event of a crystal failure, from active or any low-power mode, the MSP430F2xx clock system can automatically re-start the on-chip oscillator and force a non-maskable interrupt. External crystal connections are also filtered to prevent external noise from being introduced to the system. The watchdog timer prohibits software from disabling its clock source, and errant code will force a complete system reset. Code security is improved with a hack-proof BSL that executes a complete memory erase after receiving an incorrect password.