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Bhg2 (11.10.2004 10:34, просмотров: 1) ответил Bhg2 на New - MSP430F21x1 series
MSP430F21x1 Architecture Summary http://www-s.ti.com/sc/psheets/slaa217/slaa217.pdf
MSP430F21x1 Architecture Summary http://www-s.ti.co …ts/slaa217/slaa217.pdf из нового: Programmable on-chip crystal load capacitors - This addition allows the use of a wider range of crystals and elimination of external components used typically to stabilize oscillation. On the MSP430F1xx family only fixed 12pf capacitors were available. ЗЫ. еще вышел Application Report "Interfacing the 3-V MSP430 to 5-V Circuits" http://www-s.ti.co …ts/slaa148/slaa148.pdf