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++ (04.09.2009 09:08, просмотров: 85) ответил Tolyan на Задержка включения питания SDRAM
Не рекомендуем. Почитайте режимы Self refresh и Power down и пользуйте их. http://www.elpida.com/pdfs/E0123N81.pdf
"5.2.9 Self refresh The self refresh command can be executed when all banks of the device are in the idle status, like the CBR refresh command. In the self refresh status, the device automatically performs refreshing. During this time, it is not necessary to execute the refresh command from an external source. When the device exits from the self refresh status, it automatically returns to the idle status. 5.2.10 Power down If CKE is made low in the idle status or row active status, the power down mode is set. In this mode, all input buffers except CLK and CKE are off, and the power consumption of the device is lowered. To return to the original status (idle or active), make CKE high."