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vmp (23.11.2009 15:53, просмотров: 118) ответил AVF на приведите примеры "многих других МК", а то ни на одном из семейств pic от pic16 до dspic33, ни на MSP430 такого не замечал, если скорость находится в допустимых пределах отрабатывает нормально. поскольку это не "типо баг", а конкретный косяк, который
Отдельностоящий UART подойдет? TL16C752C and TL16C754C Short STOP Bit Errata http://focus.ti.com/lit/er/sllz058/sllz058.pdf
The TL16C752C and TL16C754C UARTs can encounter framing errors when receiving a stream of characters with short STOP bits. For example, at 9600 baud a bit period is 104 μs. If the transmitter sends a STOP bit of shorter duration, e.g., 98 μs instead of 104 μs, the TL16C75xC can miss a subsequent START bit. After the STOP bit is sampled and verified, the internal clock logic waits an amount of time, based on the expected bit period, before it starts looking for the next START bit. The delay time is such that a START bit (high to low transition) on RX is missed. The effect of the short STOP bit is cumulative so the framing error can occur after only a few or after many characters have been received.