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6 июля
Vladimir Ljaschko (07.12.2009 17:37, просмотров: 4560)
Начали проектирование для нового сайпрессовского PSoC с Кортексом - это что-то. Причем альтернативы инструменту под названием creator нету. Так что готовьтесь к будущему проектирования - это сможет сделать даже восьмиклассник. Что обещают:  Unlike fixed function microcontrollers, PSoC allows you to choose the on-chip peripherals you need. Instead of settling for a part that has most of what you need and a lot of what you don't, with PSoC you simply configure the device with your chosen functionality. No more, no less. And the configuration process couldn't be easier. You choose peripherals from a catalog of pre-defined and pre-tested components and simply drag them into your design schematic. The components range from simple gates for glue logic, through complete implementations of digital and analog peripheral functions, up to sophisticated communications and applications solutions like USB and CapSense. Then choose your clock frequencies, connect peripheral I/O to pins, and you're done. The built-in configuration tools map your design into the device and calculate the clock setup and routing automatically. But this is not the complex hardware configuration process you've seen before. All components are parameterized so that the details of the implementation are abstracted away. You set up components in terms that are natural to their function; such as the baud rate for a UART, power and gain for an amplifier, or duty cycle of a PWM. You are about to see that, like no other platform available today, PSoC Creator and PSoC form a uniquely flexible combination to design and build your own system-on-chip in less time than it takes you to read the competitors' data sheets! Вот уже второй час разбираемся, как сбросить запрос прерывания таймера, чтобы из прерывания наконец-то выйти ;)