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Snaky (24.02.2010 18:50, просмотров: 137) ответил vmp на Да они везде! На днях купил телевизор, так там внутри чип на базе MIPS под линуксом. Дожили, в телевизоре ПО апгрейдится и крячится для включения недокументированных возможностей.
между прочим есть интересная история 
WRT54G - wireless router made by Linksys. It was released in 2002 as a simple $150 router for home use. But hobbyists quickly discovered that its firmware—the software that determines the device's abilities—was based on Linux and thus legally open source. Within months, hackers had written new code that gave the device radically new features: They boosted the antenna power, turned it into a signal repeater, and constructed self-healing neighborhood mesh networks. Most of these capabilities are normally found only in devices that cost 10 times as much. Suddenly, the WRT54G market expanded. Based on the free work of amateurs, the router is now one of Linksys' all-time best-selling products.
может производители вашего телевизора тоже надеются что гик-коммьюнити доведет до ума продукт и спрос на него возрастет, как это неожиданно случилось с Linksys?
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