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Evgeny_CD, Архитектор (25.02.2010 01:16, просмотров: 301) ответил ыыыы на у спарка это есть (core от Гейслера поддерживает), а для ARM вообще SMP систему видели? нету их и в самых А9 котрексах нету. там есть некие софт патчи. а сделать это вобщем-то не сложно (MMU-шный адрес в реальный переводить быстро). кстати у МИПСов
Cortex-A9 Also providing the option for cache coherence for enhanced inter-processor communication or support of rich SMP capable OS for simplified multicore software development. Cortex-A9 Revision: r2p0 на шине есть такая шняга, как Accelerator Coherency Port. Но это касается только Cortex™-A9 MPCore 2.4.1. ACP requests The read and write requests performed on the ACP behave differently depending on whether the request is coherent or not. ACP requests behavior is as follows: ACP coherent read requests An ACP read request is coherent when ARUSER[0] = 1 and ARCACHE[1] = 1 alongside ARVALID. In this case, the SCU enforces coherency. When the data is present in one of the Cortex-A9 processors within the Cortex-A9MPCore, the data is read directly from the relevant processor, and returned to the ACP port. When the data is not present in any of the Cortex-A9 processors, the read request is issued on one of the Cortex-A9 MPCore AXI master ports, along with all its AXI parameters, with the exception of the locked attribute. ACP non-coherent read requests An ACP read request is non-coherent when ARUSER[0] = 0 or ARCACHE[1] =0 alongside ARVALID. In this case, the SCU does not enforces coherency, and the read request is directly forwarded to one of the available Cortex-A9 MPCore AXI master ports. ACP coherent write requests An ACP write request is coherent when AWUSER[0] = 1 and AWCACHE[1] =1 alongside AWVALID. In this case, the SCU enforces coherency. When the data is present in one of the Cortex-A9 processors within the Cortex-A9 MPCore, the data is first cleaned and invalidated from the relevant CPU. When the data is not present in any of the Cortex-A9 processors, or once it has been cleaned and invalidated, the write request is issued on one of the Cortex-A9 MPCore AXI master ports, along with all corresponding AXI parameters with the exception of the locked attribute. Note The transaction may optionally allocate into the L2 cache if the write parameters are set accordingly. ACP non-coherent write requests An ACP write request is non-coherent when AWUSER[0] = 1 or AWCACHE[1] = 0 alongside AWVALID. In this case, the SCU does not enforce coherency, and the write request is forwarded directly to one of the available Cortex-A9 MPCore AXI master ports. Хотя как-то оно сбоку все пришито, судя по структурке...