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29 сентября
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ww-90 (07.03.2010 23:40, просмотров: 186) ответил Vit на Не в теме. но может просто скорость не та, ну или регистр статуса линии там же
Моя тестовая программа: (константы регистров для кварца 16 МГц) .include "m168def.inc" ; r16, r17 ; Interrupt Vectore Table .cseg .org 0x00 ; Reset-Address rjmp Reset .org ICP1addr ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event rjmp TIM1_CAPT Init_TIM1: lds r16,TCCR1B sbr r16,193 ; CS10, ICNC1 (65 - выключен, 193 - включен), ICES1 sts TCCR1B,r16 ; timer clock = system clock - START Timer1 ; Input Capture Noise Canceler (four samples) ; Input Capture Edge Select (rising) ldi r16,1<<ICF1 out TIFR1,r16 ; Clear ICF1/clear pending interrupts lds r16,TIMSK1 sbr r16,32 ; ICIE1 sts TIMSK1,r16 ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event Interrupt sbi DDRB,PB2 ; Set PB2 as output (Green LED) sbi DDRB,PB4 ; Set PB4 as output (IR-LED) cbi DDRB,PB0 ; Set PB0 as input (Timer1) ldi r16, 20 out PORTB, r16 ; Включаем IR-диод (PB4=1), ; Выключаем встроенный светодиод (PB2=1) ret ; Прерывание TIM1_CAPT TIM1_CAPT: cli ; Запрет прерываний push r16 in r16,SREG push r16 in r16,PORTB ; Читаем PORTB cpi r16,20 ; Если встроенный светодиод выключен (PB2=1), ; IR-диод включен (PB4=1), то breq LED_Enable ldi r16, 20 out PORTB,r16 ; Выключаем встроенный светодиод (PB2=1) rjmp Continue01 LED_Enable: ldi r16,16 out PORTB,r16 ; Включаем встроенный светодиод (PB2=0) Continue01: ldi r16,'a';$61 ; передача символа "a" rcall tx_hex_1 ;rcall USART0_Transmit ldi r16,'0' ; передача цифры "0" rcall tx_hex_1 ;rcall USART0_Transmit pop r16 out SREG,r16 pop r16 sei ; Разрешаем прерывания reti ; Выходим из прерывания TIM1_CAPT Init_USART0: ;Asynchronous Normal mode .equ N103=0x0067 ; 9600 baud ; Set baud rate lds r16,UBRR0H sbr r16,high(N103) sts UBRR0H,r16 lds r16,UBRR0L sbr r16,low(N103) sts UBRR0L,r16 ; 1X asynchronous operation lds r16,UCSR0A cbr r16,$00 sts UCSR0A,r16 ; Enable receiver and transmitter lds r16,UCSR0B sbr r16,(1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0) sts UCSR0B,r16 ; Set frame format: 8 data, 1 stop bit lds r16,UCSR0C sbr r16,(1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00) sts UCSR0C,r16 ret ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ТАК ТОЖЕ ПРОБОВАЛ ;----------------------------------------------------- ;USART0_Transmit: ;; Wait for empty transmit buffer ;lds r16,UCSR0A ;sbrs r16,UDRE0 ;rjmp USART0_Transmit ;; Put data (r17) into buffer, sends the data ;lds r16,UDR0 ;mov r16,r17 ;sts UDR0,r16 ;ret ;**************************************************************************** ;* Send 2 hex digits to the UART. The byte to be sent must be in register ;* 'r16'. ;**************************************************************************** tx_hex_2: mov r17, r16 swap r16 ;* Send high order nibble first rcall tx_hex_1 mov r16, r17 ;* Send low order nibble next ; Fall through to tx_hex_1 ;**************************************************************************** ;* Send a hex digit to the UART. The digit to be sent will be the low ;* nibble of register 'r16'. The high nibble will be ignored. ;**************************************************************************** tx_hex_1: andi r16, 0x0F subi r16, ( - '0' ) ;* Convert 0-9 to ASCII cpi r16, ( '0' + 10 ) ;* Was it >9 ? brcs tx_byte subi r16, ( '0' - 'A' + 10 ) ;* Convert A-F to ASCII ; Fall through to tx_byte ;**************************************************************************** ;* Send a byte to the UART. The byte to be sent must be in register 'r16'. ;* This function will spin until the UART is ready to transmit. ;**************************************************************************** tx_byte: ; Wait for empty transmit buffer lds r16,UCSR0A sbrs r16,UDRE0 rjmp tx_byte lds r16,UDR0 mov r16,r17 sts UDR0,r16 ret ; *** Begin of Program Execution *** Reset: ; Initialization of the Stack Pointer ldi r16,low(RAMEND) out SPL,r16 ldi r16,high(RAMEND) out SPH,r16 rcall Init_TIM1 rcall Init_USART0 sei ; Global Interrupts enabled ; Endlessloop loopforever: rjmp loopforever