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7 июля
Snaky (21.03.2010 06:52 - 06:54, просмотров: 2889)
Некоторая свежая статистика по Embedded Developers (возраст, опыт, зарплаты, удовольствие от работы :>) -> http://www.ganssle.com/salsurv2009-pg1.htm
A quick summary of the results: - We're aging. - But mostly in the West; the developing world's engineers are generally in their 20s and 30s. - Though many, many respondents haven't gotten a raise in in some time, on average engineers' wages are going up. - Most engineers are unhappier with their careers than 3 years ago. - Money DOES buy happiness... in some parts of the world. For example, the highest paid engineers in India and Europe are happier than those making less. The correlation is strongest in Australia/New Zealand. - Despite all of the published doom and gloom, we're quite optimistic about the future demand for engineers. - Despite all of the optimism, a lot of engineers are unhappy, unemployed, and would not recommend the career to their children.
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