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8 июля
rezident (02.05.2011 22:56, просмотров: 3805) General
Вот нам и сказали правду http://www.presstv.ir/detail/176776.html
«Мы хотим свергнуть Каддафи в Ливии и Асада в Сирии, потому что хотим выгнать Китай и Россию из Средиземноморья». Если кто-то сочтет этот перевод с английского неточным, повторю текст оригинала: «We want to overthrow Gaddafi and Assad in Syria because we want to clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean».
We want to overthrow Gaddafi and Assad in Syria because we want to clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean. China has massive energy investments in eastern Libya and is relying on Libya along with Angola and Nigeria for energy needs. This is an American effort to deny resources to China just as Washington and London denied resources to the Japanese in the 1930s. The interest in the Syria protests, which Wikileaks shows the Americans are behind -- we are interested in that because the Russians have a large naval base in Syria and it gives them a presence in the Mediterranean. So you see that Washington is all for invading against Libya and is putting more and more pressure to intervene in Syria because we want to get rid of the Russians and the Chinese.