Там страница перелистнулась, и URL стал другим. Копирую сюда Lord_Avon wrote:
.def tmp = r16 ; Scratchpad register, doesn't need to be saved/restored
.equ sp_port = PORTB ; Port used for software SPI
.equ csl_pin = PB0 ; Left channel CS line pin #
.equ csr_pin = PB1 ; Right channel CS line pin #
.equ sd_left = PB2 ; Left channel SD line pin #
.equ sd_rght = PB3 ; Right channel SD line pin #
.equ sck_pin = PB4 ; Common (L & R) SCK line pin #
#define sclk sp_port,sck_pin ; Common (L & R) SCK line full alias
; Sends the X(L/H).N and Y(L/H).N bits to SD_LEFT and SD_RGHT resp.
; Usage example: SEND_XY H,7 - sends XH.7 to SD_LEFT and YH.7 to SD_RGHT
; The TMP bits corresponding to CSL, CSH and SCK must be cleared once prior to first SEND_XY invocation
; so they will appear as 0's at SP_PORT upon every SEND_XY execution
.macro SEND_XY
bld X@0,@1 ;; X(L/H).N -> T bit
bst tmp,sd_left ;; T bit -> TMP.SD_LEFT
bld Y@0,@1 ;; Y(L/H).N -> T bit
bst tmp,sd_rght ;; T bit -> TMP.SD_RGHT
out sp_port,tmp ;; SCLK = 0, CSL = 0, CSR = 0, SD_LEFT = X(L/H).N, SD_RGHT = Y(L/H).N
sbi sclk ;; SCLK = 1. The slave devices latch the data on 0->1 SCLK transition
; Simultaneous 2-channel 16-bit software SPI transmit only master.
; Input: X = channel 1 data (left), Y = channel 2 data (right). MSB.MSb transmits first
; Trashes: TMP
; 101 code words
; 120 CPU clocks
; Two 16-bit words are transmitted at ~ F_CPU/3.75 equivalent bit rate,
; which is only 1.7 times slower than a hardware SPI can deliver (~ F_CPU/2.2).
; Additionally, due to the simultaneous 2-channel transfers, this code doesn't introduce
; any interchannel delay which is unavoidable with a single channel hardware SPI.
in tmp,sp_port ; Read SP_PORT to TMP, clear CSL/CSR/SCK bits in TMP
cbr tmp,(1 << csl_pin)|(1 << csr_pin)|(1 << sck_pin) ;
SEND_XY H,7 ; Transmit XH.7 and YH.7
SEND_XY H,6 ; Transmit XH.6 and YH.6
SEND_XY H,5 ; Transmit XH.5 and YH.5
SEND_XY H,4 ; Transmit XH.4 and YH.4
SEND_XY H,3 ; Transmit XH.3 and YH.3
SEND_XY H,2 ; Transmit XH.2 and YH.2
SEND_XY H,1 ; Transmit XH.1 and YH.1
SEND_XY H,0 ; Transmit XH.0 and YH.0
SEND_XY L,7 ; Transmit XL.7 and YL.7
SEND_XY L,6 ; Transmit XL.6 and YL.6
SEND_XY L,5 ; Transmit XL.5 and YL.5
SEND_XY L,4 ; Transmit XL.4 and YL.4
SEND_XY L,3 ; Transmit XL.3 and YL.3
SEND_XY L,2 ; Transmit XL.2 and YL.2
SEND_XY L,1 ; Transmit XL.1 and YL.1
SEND_XY L,0 ; Transmit XL.0 and YL.0
sbr tmp,(1 << csl_pin)|(1 << csr_pin) ; Set TMP.CSL and TMP.CSR to 1
out sp_port,tmp ; Deselect the slaves
Caution: don't even joke about porting it to C :))
I've managed to get my bit banged SPI working, and it was appallingly slow.MBedder wrote:
"You just don't know how to cook'em!"(c) :))