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General, изверг (10.01.2012 23:25 - 23:49, просмотров: 170) ответил ShiphT на Который день пытаюсь понять, почему GANG (как новый, так и старый) не хочит прожигать фуз у 2012 в плате.
Советую почитать тут и тут http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=SLAU320&fileType=pdf
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NOTE: On some Spy-Bi-Wire capable MSP430 devices the TEST/SBWTCK is very sensitive to rising signal edges that could cause the test logic to enter a state where according entry sequences (either 2-wire or 4-wire) are not recognized correctly and JTAG access stays disabled. Unintentional edges on the SBWTCK most probably occur when the JTAG connector gets connected to the target device. There are two possibilities to work around this problem and ensure a stable JTAG access initialization: • SBWTCK needs to be actively driven low before powering up the device or during the connector plug in action to avoid unintentional rising signal edges. • Run the according initialization sequence multiple times (two to three repeats are typically sufficient to establish a stable connection). Fuse Check and Reset of the JTAG State Machine (TAP Controller) Reference functions: ResetTAP, ResetTAP_sbw Each MSP430 family device includes a physical fuse used to permanently disable memory access via JTAG communication. When this fuse is programmed (or blown), access to memory via JTAG is permanently disabled and cannot be restored. When initializing JTAG access after power up, a fuse check must be done before JTAG access is granted. Toggling of the TMS signal twice performs the check. While the fuse is tested, a current of up to 2 mA flows into the TDI input (or into the TEST pin on devices without dedicated JTAG pins). To enable settling of the current, the low phase of the two TMS pulses should last a minimum of 5 μs. Under certain circumstances (for example, plugging in a battery), a toggling of TMS may accidentally occur while TDI is logical low. In that case, no current flows through the security fuse, but the internal logic remembers that a fuse check was performed. Thus, the fuse is mistakenly recognized as programmed (for example, blown). To avoid the issue, newer MSP430 JTAG implementations also reset the internal fuse-check logic on performing a reset of the TAP controller. Thus, it is recommended to first perform a reset of the TAP and then check the JTAG fuse status as shown in Figure 1-12. To perform a reset of the TAP controller it is recommended that a minimum of six TCK clocks be sent to the target device while TMS is high followed by setting TMS low for at least one TCK clock. This sets the JTAG state machine (TAP controller) to a defined starting point: the Run-Test/Idle state. This procedure can also be used at any time during JTAG communication to reset the JTAG port.
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