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abivan (24.05.2005 16:19, просмотров: 1) ответил Звероящер на Поделись вкратце...
ответ и кусок из хелпа Ошибки складывает в окно и есть навигация по ошибкам. С HiTech Си для PIC все работало на ура. Правда я не линковал проект, а только компилировал. Линковка была не нужна. У этого редактора есть хороший browser по ф-ям. Им и пользуюсь, а не встроенным в IDE от фитона PICE-MC. UltraEdit allows the user to configure up to ten menu items to commands of the users choice. Additionally up to ten additional tools may be configured for the active project by selecting the "Project Tool Configuration" menu item. These commands may be any DOS or Windows commands, and when set up appear in the lower portion of the Advanced menu. When the Tool Configuration menu item is selected, a dialog box is presented allowing the user to specify the command line and action for each of the users choices. The following information is presented: Command Line: This is the actual command line that will be invoked it may contain a '%F' that will be replaced by the full directory specification and filename of the active file. The file will be saved first if changes have been made. You set up a command to run a compiler and you want to invoke the compiler with the file you are currently editing. If you change files you want the compiler to be invoked with the new file. The compiler is c:\comp\compiler. Specify the following command in the dialog box: c:\comp\compiler %F When the command is executed, the %F will be replaced by the full directory path, filename and extension of the active window, The file will be saved before the command is executed. The following commands may be used to pass a portion of the full qualified filename: %P Path only ("C:\project\test\") %N fileName only ("test") %E Extension only (".c") %P%N%E is equal to %F which is ("C:\project\test\test.c") in the example above. NOTE - If the %f, %p, %n, %e are lower case the filenames are passed as long filenames and should be put in quotes, i.e. "%f" or "%p%n" etc. If the %F, %P, %N, %E are in upper case the filename and path will converted and passed as the "8.3" short filename specification for maximum compatibility with DOS programs. Additionally the following commands are available: %R This may be used for the full path/name of the project (%r for long name, %R for short name) %RP This may be used for the full project path (%rp for long name, %RP for short name) %RN This may be used for the project name only (%rn for long name, %RN for short name) %modify% In some cases it may be necessary to modify the command line parameters each time the tool is run. To do this, add %modify% in the command line and when the tool is run a dialog box will be shown allowing the user to modify the command line or cancel and run without modification. %sel% This instructs UltraEdit to add the highlighted/selected text from the active document into the command line in place of the %sel%. %Env: This allows the user to use an environment variable in the command. The environment variable immediately follows the %Env: and UltraEdit replaces this with the contents of the matching environment variable. %line% This instructs UltraEdit to add the line number of the cursor into the command line in place of the %line% - 1 is the first line. %col% This instructs UltraEdit to add the column number of the cursor into the command line in place of the %col% - 1 is the first column. Working Directory This is the working directory for the specified command. If applicable, the process will be started with this as it's working directory. As above, the %P may be used to specify the path. Note, the working directory may be specified for UltraEdit-32 but not for UltraEdit (16-Bit). Menu Item Name This is the name of the item as it appears on the Advanced menu. Windows Program Checkbox This must be checked if the program being invoked in the command line is a Windows application. Save all files first If this is checked, UltraEdit will save all open files before running the tool. Save Active File If this is checked, UltraEdit will save the active file before running the tool, otherwise it will not (unless Save all files first is checked). Command Output (DOS Commands ONLY) DOS command output may be optionally captured to a file. The four options for DOS command output are 1) append to existing file (create new file if one does not exist); 2) Replace existing file; 3) Create new file each time the command is run; and 4) Capture the output to a list box (Output Window). This list box allows the user to double click on a line of the captured output and UltraEdit attempts to open the referenced file and position to the specified line if found. If the Show DOS Box checkbox is checked, a DOS window will be shown as the command is being executed, otherwise the DOS window will be hidden. As several commands may be configured, it is quite possible the user may wish for some commands to always create a new file, while other commands should replace the existing file (or append to it). For this reason, each capture mode (append, replace, new) will create a new file for that mode if one does not exist, and each time a command is run, the file for the given capture mode will be append to or replaced if appropriate, or a new file created if selected. Command List Box The command list box shows the configured commands. By double clicking on a command in this list, the configuration items are pre-loaded with the parameters of this command and may be modified. To keep the changes, the user MUST select REPLACE to overwrite the existing command, or INSERT to generate a new command. If you click on an item, you may delete it by selecting the DELETE button. Requirements DOS commands require that certain files exist depending on the operating system: Windows 95 requires the COMMAND.COM file be on the Windows directory. Windows NT requires that CMD.EXE be in the path. Windows 3.x requires that the DOSPRMPT.PIF be in the Windows directory. Advanced The advanced button allows additional items to be specified for each tool. These include the following: Bitmap/Icon This allows the user to specify a bitmap or icon file to be used on the toolbar for the current selected tool. The browse button allows the user to browse for the bitmap or icon. The bitmap or icon will be scaled to fit on the toolbar. Each file should contain a single bitmap or icon. Replace Selected Text With: This indicates that at the completion of the tool, the captured output or contents of the clipboard will be used to replace the current selection (or inserted at the cursor position if no selection), or if no replace is selected, the output will be displayed as normal. Note - If the capturing the output does not work correctly, or the command does not function correctly you may try the Alternate Capture Method command from the Advanced Menu (32-Bit version only).