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Сергей Борщ (16.02.2012 11:44, просмотров: 85) ответил SciFi на Да. long и long int - это синонимы.
6.7.2 Type specifiers .... Each list of type specifiers shall be one of the following sets (delimited by commas, when there is more than one set on a line); the type specifiers may occur in any order, possibly intermixed with the other declaration specifiers. —void —char —signed char —unsigned char —short, signed short, short int, or signed short int —unsigned short, or unsigned short int —int, signed,or signed int —unsigned,or unsigned int —long, signed long, long int, or signed long int —unsigned long , or unsigned long int —long long, signed long long, long long int, or signed long long int —unsigned long long, or unsigned long long int