Для JTAG область пароля определена с адреса 0xFF88. Длина пароля задается в области JTAG Signature 2. 1.13.2 JTAG and SBW Lock With Password
A device can also be locked by writing 0AAAAh to JTAG Signature 1 and writing JTAG Signature 2 with
any value except 05555h. In this case, JTAG and SBW interfaces grant access to a limited JTAG
command set that restricts accessibility into the device as in Section 1.13.1, but an additional mechanism
is available that can unlock the device with a user defined password. In this case, JTAG Signature 2
represents a user-defined length in words of the user defined password. For example, a password length
of four words would require writing 0004h to JTAG Signature 2. The starting location of the password is
fixed at location 0FF88h. As an example, for a password of length 4, the password memory locations
would reside at 0FF88h, 0FF8Ah, 0FF8Ch, and 0FF8Eh.
Т.е. видимо - да, области паролей JTAG и BSL могут пересекаться. Но у BSL пароль фиксированной длины.