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Nihilist (19.07.2012 12:27, просмотров: 211) ответил Nihilist на точно!))))
Короче, морозят TI-шные инженеры. Пока решение проблемы не найдено. Из последнего: Изменил код. Теперь DMA работает в режиме Single transfer. Bitrate I2C снизил до 10 кГц. Передаю 3 байта, сразу после включению борда(MSP-EXP430F5529). На втором байте затык. Картинка прилагается. Вот код: #include <stdint.h> #include <msp430.h> #include <HAL_PMM.h> #include <HAL_UCS.h> #include <board.h> #define I2C_byte_number 3 // Amount of I2C bytes #define XT2_PORT_SEL P5SEL #define XT2_ENABLE (BIT2 + BIT3) #define DMADT5 (0x4000) // DMA Repeated single transfer #define DMADT0_t (0x0000) // Single transfer #define DMADSTINCR (0x0C00) // Destination address is incremented #define DMADSTINCR_0_t (0x0400) #define DMASRCINCR (0x0100) // Source address is unchanged. #define I2C_FLAG_SET (FLAGS | BIT0) // Set bit I2C, command has been received #define I2C_FLAG_CLEAR (FLAGS & ~BIT0) // Clear bit I2C, command has been performed #define I2C_FLAG_BRANCH (FLAGS & BIT0) // Use in branch /***************************************************************************//** * Status Flags and general variables ******************************************************************************/ //Status flags of device volatile unsigned short FLAGS = 0; /***************************************************************************//** * I2C variables ******************************************************************************/ // // I2C command // unsigned long TWIcmd = 0; // // Buffer for I2C command, it uses by DMA // unsigned char I2C_array[I2C_byte_number] = {0}; // // Pointer on I2C_array(destination address DMA) // unsigned char *ptr_I2C_array; // unsigned char buf_TX = 0; unsigned char count = 0; void main(void) { // Stop WDT WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Basic GPIO initialization // Setup XT2 XT2_PORT_SEL |= XT2_ENABLE; // My configuration P8DIR |= BIT2; // Set P8.2 to output direction LED_Power_on P6DIR |= BIT2; // Set P1.2 to output direction Synch // Set Vcore to accomodate for max. allowed system speed //Set to 0 - 1.40V {1 - 1.60V, 2 - 1.80V, 3 - 1.90V} SetVCore(1); // SetVCore(1); // SetVCore(2); // SetVCore(3); UCSCTL6 &= ~XT2OFF; // Enable XT2 10MHz UCSCTL3 |= SELREF_2; // FLLref = REFO // Since LFXT1 is not used, // sourcing FLL with LFXT1 can cause // XT1OFFG flag to set UCSCTL4 |= SELA_2; // ACLK=REFO,SMCLK=DCO,MCLK=DCO // Loop until XT1,XT2 & DCO stabilizes - in this case loop until XT2 settles do { UCSCTL7 &= ~(XT2OFFG + XT1LFOFFG + DCOFFG); // Clear XT2,XT1,DCO fault flags SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear fault flags }while (SFRIFG1&OFIFG); // Test oscillator fault flag UCSCTL6 &= ~XT2DRIVE0; // Decrease XT2 Drive according to // expected frequency UCSCTL4 |= SELS_5 + SELM_5 + SELA_5; // SMCLK=MCLK=XT2 ptr_I2C_array = I2C_array; /***************************************************************************** I2C USC ******************************************************************************/ UCB1CTL1 |= UCSWRST; // Enable SW reset UCB1CTL1 |= UCSSEL1; // SMCLK as clock of I2c UCB1CTL0 = UCMODE_3 + UCSYNC; // I2C Slave, synchronous mode UCB1I2COA &= ~UCGCEN; // Do not respond to a general call UCB1I2COA |= 0x8; // Own Address is 0x0A for REGENT, 0x08 for others P4SEL |= 0x06; // Assign I2C pins to USCI_B1 UCB1CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Clear SW reset, resume operation UCB1IE |= UCTXIE + UCSTPIE + UCNACKIE; /* UCNACKIE NACK Condition interrupt enable UCALIE Arbitration Lost interrupt enable UCTXIE USCI Transmit Interrupt Enable UCRXIE USCI Receive Interrupt Enable UCSTPIE STOP Condition interrupt enable */ /***************************************************************************** DMA cnannel 0 for I2C slave receiver ******************************************************************************/ //--------------------single transfer------------------------------------// DMACTL0 = 0x16; // UCB1RXIFG trigger; DMACTL4 = DMARMWDIS; // Read-modify-write disable DMA0CTL &= ~DMAIFG; DMA0CTL = DMADSTINCR_0_t + DMASRCINCR + DMADSTBYTE + DMASRCBYTE + DMAEN + DMAIE;// + DMALEVEL; /* DMADT5 - DMA Repeated single transfer DMADSTINCR - Destination address is incremented DMASRCINCR - Source address is unchanged DMADSTBYTE - Byte DMASRCBYTE - Byte DMAEN - DMA enable DMAIE - DMA interrupt enable */ DMA0SZ = 1; DMA0SA = (unsigned short)&UCB1RXBUF; DMA0DA = (unsigned short)&buf_TX; DMA0CTL |= DMAREQ; /*****************************************************************************/ __bis_SR_register(GIE); // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupts P8OUT |= BIT2; // Set P8.2 to output direction LED_Power_on while (1) { /*============================== Check I2C =================================*/ if(I2C_FLAG_BRANCH) { FLAGS = I2C_FLAG_CLEAR; TWIcmd = 0; // Clear int value of command I2C } } } //***************************************************************************// * @brief Handles I2C interrupts. //***************************************************************************// // USCI_B1 State ISR #pragma vector = USCI_B1_VECTOR __interrupt void USCI_B1_ISR(void) { __disable_interrupt(); // Disable all interrupt switch(__even_in_range(UCB1IV,12)) { case 0: break; // Vector 0: No interrupts case 2: break; case 4: // Vector 4: NACKIFG UCB1IFG &= ~UCSTPIFG; // Clear stop condition int flag UCB1IFG &= ~UCTXIFG; // Clear start condition int flag break; case 6: // Vector 6: STTIFG UCB1IFG &= ~UCSTTIFG; UCB1IFG &= ~UCTXIFG; break; case 8: // Vector 8: STPIFG UCB1IFG &= ~UCSTPIFG; // Clear stop condition int flag UCB1IFG &= ~UCTXIFG; // Clear start condition int flag break; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * RECEIVING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //****************************************************************************** case 10: break; // Vector 10: RXIFG //****************************************************************************** /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * TRANSMITTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //****************************************************************************** case 12: // Vector 12: TXIFG //****************************************************************************** UCB1TXBUF = 0xAB; break; default: break; } __enable_interrupt(); // Enable interrupts } //End of I2C interrupt /***************************************************************************//** * @brief Handles DMA interrupts. ******************************************************************************/ #pragma vector=DMA_VECTOR __interrupt void DMA_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(DMAIV,16)) { case 0: break; case 2: // DMA0IFG = DMA Channel 0 TWIcmd = (TWIcmd << 8) + buf_TX; if(++count ==3) { count = 0; FLAGS = I2C_FLAG_SET; // Set bit I2C command has been received } DMA0CTL |= DMAEN; break; case 4: break; // DMA1IFG = DMA Channel 1 case 6: break; // DMA2IFG = DMA Channel 2 case 8: break; // DMA3IFG = DMA Channel 3 case 10: break; // DMA4IFG = DMA Channel 4 case 12: break; // DMA5IFG = DMA Channel 5 case 14: break; // DMA6IFG = DMA Channel 6 case 16: break; // DMA7IFG = DMA Channel 7 default: break; } }