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++ (26.06.2005 01:53, просмотров: 1) ответил bialix на вопрос по touch-панелям
Чем типовые контроллеры не радуют? Как боретесь с дребезгом? http://www.elotouch.com/products/accutec/accworks.asp
Why the Averaging Algorithm is Important The averaging algorithm reduces noise resulting from contact bounce during the making and breaking contact with the touchscreen. Successive X and Y samples are tested to determine that their values differ by no more than a certain range. If one or more samples fall outside this range, the samples are discarded and the process is restarted. This is continued until several successive X samples (then Y samples) fall within the range. The average of these values is used as the X and Y coordinates respectively. Once independent X and Y samples are obtained, coordinate pairs are sampled to eliminate the effects of noise. If a sample does not fall within an internal range, all X and Y coordinates are discarded and the independent X and Y sequence is restarted. Once acceptable coordinates have been obtained, an average coordinate is determined and communicated to the host processor.