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zlogic (27.09.2012 08:31 - 08:38, просмотров: 36) ответил zlogic на Проблема с АЦП в C8051F531... Некорректный код с АЦП при Uвх >= Uref...
Вот вам и тех.поддержка Silabs... Три письма с вопросами и в аут... пропали... 1. Could you send me a code snippet showing how you are configuring the ADC? Отправил, как конфигурирую АЦП. 2. Thank you for this additional information. It appears that you're configuring the gain control correctly and that your gain is set to ~1. Based on what you've described, it does seem that you should be getting a railed reading from the ADC. I have a few more questions. Can you try running the ADC without any gain control adjustments? The behavior by default should match the gain control you're configuring, but I want to be sure. Also, can you show me how you are configuring the port pin being sampled? Can you confirm that the pin is being configured to P0.1? Отправил, как конфигурируются выводы порта. 3. If you apply a voltage to the port pin that is not full scale, do you ever see bit 1 flip to 1? As a test, could you try applying a few voltages to the ADC input, to see if you can read something other than a 0 value on that bit? Подтвердил, что первый бит "булькается" при подаче разного напряжения... После предложения посмотреть в их железе на мою проблему ответчик пропал... Уже молчит 1.5 недели...