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PlainUser (02.11.2012 14:46 - 14:59, просмотров: 165) ответил diper на ОК, фразу "если фильтрацию повыключать" убираем.
Есть один момент. В апи есть 2 функции в обеих есть слова про адреса пакета. Те в одной про 2 одновременно длинных адреса. А во второй про два одновременно коротких адреса. Варианта для моего винигрета из короткого и длинного адреса в одном пакете нет вообще. К чему-бы это? Или слова <<< long address fields >>> обозначают динные поля не в смысле два (оба имеющихся там) в одном пакете а что-то другое. boolean ST_RadioDataPendingLongIdIsrCallback ( int8u * longId ) This function is called by the library after the

<<< long address fields >>> (выделено мной)

of a packet have been received. The library will set the frame pending bit in the outgoing ACK only if the return value is TRUE. The application must lookup the eui64 in its own data structures and return TRUE if there is data pending, FALSE otherwise. It is critical that this function complete as quickly as possible to ensure the frame pending bit can be set before the ACK is transmitted. Returns: TRUE if the frame pending bit should be set in the outgoing ACK. Note: The library include a weak implementation of this callback which will unconditionally return FALSE. This can be overriden if users define their own callback. boolean ST_RadioDataPendingShortIdIsrCallback ( int16u shortId ) This function is called by the library after the

<<< short address fields >>>(выделено мной)

of a packet have been received. The library will set the frame pending bit in the outgoing ACK only if the return value is TRUE. The application must lookup shortId in its own data structures and return TRUE if there is data pending, FALSE otherwise. It is critical that this function complete as quickly as possible to ensure the frame pending bit can be set before the ACK is transmitted. Returns: TRUE if the frame pending bit should be set in the outgoing ACK. Note: The library include a weak implementation of this callback which will unconditionally return FALSE. This can be overriden if users define their own callback.