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ilyaul (09.02.2013 23:28 - 23:31, просмотров: 57) ответил m9rs на Да, Вы правы, смотрел только на схему счётчика а не на выводы :(. А может саму мегу затактировать от одного из генераторов?
Applying an external clock source to TOSC1 can be done if EXTCLK in the ASSR Register is written to logic one. • Bit 6 – EXCLK: Enable External Clock Input When EXCLK is written to one, and asynchronous clock is selected, the external clock input buffer is enabled and an external clock can be input on Timer Oscillator 1 (TOSC1) pin instead of a 32kHz crystal. Writing to EXCLK should be done before asynchronous operation is selected. Note that the crystal Oscillator will only run when this bit is zero