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11 июля
alex68 (20.02.2013 21:18, просмотров: 976)
Довольно любопытное расследование влияния излучения белых светодиодов на деградацию картин в музеях. "The gist is that some wavelengths of light accelerate the oxidation of certain chromium compounds that are part of the yellow pigments that van http://electronicdesign.com/blog/what-s-all-about-van-gogh-and-leds
Gogh and other artists used. The piece goes on to say that photons from LEDs do the greatest damage." "An international team of scientists has used synchrotron X-rays to better understand why some bright yellow colours in Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings are turning brown with time, while others do not. The research focus was on chrome yellow, a colour favoured by Van Gogh to depict sunshine and light. Several types of this yellow were found to be very sensitive to green and blue light which causes a darkening of the painting. The scientists recommend that museums identify all paintings with this type of chrome yellow and protect them in particular from the increasingly popular LED lights which emit a large amount of blue. "
There's no fate but what we make for ourselves