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12 июля
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Д.ARMоед (10.05.2013 09:54, просмотров: 219) ответил ut1wpr на Еще раз и помедленнее, откуда нынешние 16 секунд взялись. Если честно, впервые слышу и Гугл какой-то скрытный стал... :)
там -> http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/leapsec.html
"The Global Positioning System (GPS) epoch is January 6, 1980 and is synchronized to UTC. GPS Time is NOT adjusted for leap seconds. BEFORE THE 2012 LEAP SECOND: GPS-UTC IS 15 (GPS IS AHEAD OF UTC BY 15 SECONDS) AFTER THE 2012 LEAP SECOND: GPS-UTC WILL BE 16 (GPS WILL BE AHEAD OF UTC BY 16 SECONDS) As of 1 January 2008, and until the leap second of June 30 2012 TAI is ahead of UTC by 34 seconds. TAI is ahead of GPS by 19 seconds. GPS is ahead of UTC by 15 seconds. After June 2012, TAI is ahead of UTC by 35 seconds. TAI is ahead of GPS by 19 seconds. GPS is ahead of UTC by 16 seconds. "