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NOT_AI (11.10.2005 09:52, просмотров: 1) ответил AVR на Ответ:
Ответ: Log avreal/DOS16 - AVR controllers LPT programmer by Redchuk Alexandr v1.25rev2 (Apr 27 2005 09:36:28) ReAl@real.kiev.ua bug-reports, suggestions and so on mail to avreal@real.kiev.ua Command: -p1 -aa +tiny2313 -% -v -f % 1000 LPT data writes -> 3040-2906 Timer0 cycles % -> 1217uS -> 1.22uS/cycle % -> 821 cycles per 1mS % Atmel adapter for STK*00 found % STK mode % osc = 800kHz -> setup=3, hold=3,2 % Reset % PgmOn reply 0xFFFF5300 % Synchronised after 1 try % GetID reply 0x0030001E % GetID reply 0x00300091 % GetID reply 0x0030000A % Read ID: 0x1E910A Device connected, TINY2313 detected % ReadLock command 0x58000000 % ReadLock reply 0x005800FF Chip not locked % ReadOsccal command 0x38000000 % ReadOsccal reply 0x00380051 % ReadOsccal command 0x38000100 % ReadOsccal reply 0x0038004A % ReadFuses command 0x50000000 % ReadFuses reply 0x00500062 % ReadFuses command 0x58080000 % ReadFuses reply 0x005808DF % ReadFuses command 0x50080000 % ReadFuses reply 0x005008FF Fuses OSCCAL = 51, 4A CKDIV = 0 CKOUT = 1 SUT = 2 CKSEL = 2 DWEN = 1 EESAVE = 1 WDTON = 1 BODLEVEL = 7 RSTDISBL = 1 SELFPRGEN = 1 Verifying fuses % ReadFuses command 0x50000000 % ReadFuses reply 0x00500062 % ReadFuses command 0x58080000 % ReadFuses reply 0x005808DF % ReadFuses command 0x50080000 % ReadFuses reply 0x005008FF passed Reset pin released Adapter disabled PS: На счёт частоты, это точно 500кГц. В описании по замене AT90S2313 на Tiny fuses по умолчанию указаны правильно, а в документации по Tiny2313 неправильно.