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Evgeny_CD (02.12.2005 22:56, просмотров: 1) ответил Evgeny_CD на Чего хочется в идеале:
Вот, конечно, супер процессор ST ST40RA ■ 32-bit SuperH CPU ● 64-bit hardware FPU (1.16 GFLOPS) ● 128-bit vector unit for matrix manipulations ● up to 200MHz, 360 MIPS (DMIPS 1.1) ● Up to 664 Mbytes/s CPU bandwidth ● Direct mapped, on-chip, ICache (8 Kbytes) and DCache (16 Kbytes) ■ High-performance 5-channel DMA engine, supporting 1D or 2D block moves and linked lists ■ SuperHyway internal interconnect ● High throughput, low latency, split transaction packet router ■ Memory protection and VM system support ● 64-entry unified TLB, 4-entry instruction TLB ● 4 Gbytes address space ■ Standard ST40 peripherals ● 2 synchronous serial ports with FIFO (SCIF) ● Timers and a real-time clock IO devices ● Mailbox register for interprocessor communication ● Additional PIO Bus interfaces ■ Local memory interface SDRAM & DDR SDRAM ● Up to 100 MHz (1.6 Gbytes/s peak throughput) ■ PCI interface - 32-bit, 66/33 MHz, 3.3 V ■ Enhanced memory interface (EMI) ● 32-bit bus, up to 83 MHz, for attaching peripherals ● High-speed, sync mode, burst flash ROM support ● SDRAM support ● MPX initiator and target interface ● Programmable MPX bus arbiter http://www.st.com/ …literature/ds/8672.pdf http://www.superh.com/products/sh4.htm * Industrial сразу * BGA 1.27 - мечта! * жрет мало * !!! 3 независимые шины (SDRAM (включая DDR)64 бита, PCI и SRAM шина) Но вот непонятно, как с доступностью. ST - это известные чудики...