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23 февраля
Evgeny_CD (18.01.2006 19:37, просмотров: 932)
Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, Third Edition http://rapidshare.de/files/11297474/jhgfgccrt.mft_.html
Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, Third Edition William McLyman Publisher: Marcel Dekker; 3rd Rev&Ex edition (March, 2004) Language: English ISBN: 0824753933 Extensively revised and expanded to present the state-of-the-art in the field of magnetic design, this third edition presents a practical approach to transformer and inductor design and covers extensively essential topics such as the area product, Ap, and core geometry, Kg. The book provides complete information on magnetic materials and core characteristics using step-by-step design examples and presents all the key components for the design of lightweight, high-frequency aerospace transformers or low-frequency commercial transformers. Written by a specialist with more than 47 years of experience in the field, this volume covers magnetic design theory with all of the relevant formulas. Provides new discussions of quiet converter design, rotary transformer design, planar transformer design guidelines, and planar construction Includes numerous design procedures that will be of great importance to engineers in the electronics and aerospace industries Presents much of the material in tabular form to assist designers in selecting tradeoffs best-suited for a particular application Covers magnetic design theory with all of the relevant formulas Download: http://rapidshare. …74/jhgfgccrt.mft_.html Размер: 14 317 900 Bytes. Rename: jhgfgccrt.mft ->Transformer_and_Inductor_Design_Handbook_Third_Edition.rar Password: HGJHVjfutfcjvjhwedfuywefcjwvc