AU08 (20.06.2014 21:02, просмотров: 123) ответил SciFi на Тонкая дорожка - это ещё и индуктивность. Не страшно, что загенерит?
Во первых, Cbypass, как Вы думаете, для чего предназначен? Во вторых, по datasheet от Murata керамика в 1210 имеет импеданс ~1 мОм, так что самвозбуждение от ultraLow ESR тоже вероятно. Noise Bypass Capacitor
Connecting a 10 nF capacitor to the Bypass pin significantly reduces noise on the regulator output. It should be noted that
the capacitor is connected directly to a high-impedance circuit in the bandgap reference.
Because this circuit has only a few microamperes flowing in it, any significant loading on this node will cause a change in the regulated output voltage. For this reason, DC leakage current through the noise bypass capacitor must never exceed 100 nA, and should be kept as low as possible for best output voltage accuracy.
The types of capacitors best suited for the noise bypass capacitor are ceramic and film.
High-quality ceramic capacitors with either NPO or COG dielectric typically have very low leakage. 10 nF polypropolene and polycarbonate film capacitors are available in small surface-mount packages and typically have extremely low leakage current.
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