Давным давно я ковырялся с атмеловской мегой и там было так
#include "can_bdr.h"
а в "can_bdr.h" вот что
* $RCSfile: can_bdr.h,v $
* Copyright (c) 2003 Atmel.
* RELEASE: $Name: avr-can11-lib-mcu-0_0_3 $
* REVISION: $Revision: 1.3 $
* FILE_CVSID: $Id: can_bdr.h,v 1.3 2004/03/29 09:31:24 jberthy Exp $
* This file provides a set of pre-define configuration FOSC/CAN_BAURATE.
#ifndef _CAN_BDR_H_
#define _CAN_BDR_H_
#ifndef FOSC
#error You must define FOSC in config.h
#elif FOSC == 8000
#if CAN_BAUDRATE == 1000
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x00
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x04
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x13
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 500
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x00
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 250
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x02
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 200
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x02
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0e
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x4b
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 125
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x06
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 100
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x08
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 25
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x26
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#error the values for this baudrate is not in the file
#elif FOSC == 16000
#if CAN_BAUDRATE == 1000
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x00
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 500
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x02
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 250
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x06
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 200
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x08
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 125
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x0e
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 100
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x12
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#elif CAN_BAUDRATE == 25
#define CONF_CANBT1 0x4e
#define CONF_CANBT2 0x0c
#define CONF_CANBT3 0x37
#error the values for this baudrate is not in the file
#error no values are entered for this frequency
#endif /* _CAN_BDR_H_ */
Будь ты проклят, Перри-Утконос!
- Вуаля! Все получилось! Ljutik1(68 знак., 23.06.2014 18:11)
- поставил как у Вас, получил совсем не то Ljutik1(262 знак., 23.06.2014 17:13 - 18:03)