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rius (14.03.2006 08:49, просмотров: 1) ответил DASM на а CW ставит контрольную сумму остальных векторов по 0x14 адресу ? (см даташит)
спасибо за наводку :) оказалось P0.14 надо на "1" тянуть. CW по умолчанию crc векторов пишет сам. http://ccgi.rowley.co.uk/support/faq.php?do=article&articleid=35
Цитата: // Application startup from reset --------------------------------------------- Question I've been developing an application using CrossWorks for ARM on an LPC and it is all working with no problem. However when I try and start the application by power cycling or resetting the target without assistance from CrossWorks the application does not start up. What am I doing wrong? --------------------------------------------- Answer The most likely cause is that the LPC is entering the ISP command handler mode and not starting up the application. This could be caused by the following: P0.14 low on reset, this is seen as a request to enter ISP command handler mode. Most LPC target boards have some method to control this signal, check that P0.14 is low on high on reset. An invalid interrupt vector checksum. The reserved ARM interrupt vector location (0x00000014) should contain the 2’s complement of the check-sum of the remaining interrupt vectors. If you are using CrossWorks' default LPC startup code and you have not modfied any of the interrupt vector table then this should not be the problem as this has already been done for you. If you don't think the cause is any of the above you can see what the LPC is doing by carrying out the following actions: Manually power-cycle or reset the target. Attach the debugger by selecing Debug > Attach Debugger. Break the execution by selecting Debug > Break. The debugger should locate to the current instruction being executed, if the address of the instruction being executed is 0x7FFFxxxx then you are executing out of the boot block and it is likely the LPC is in ISP command handler mode.