Алексей Мусин (04.04.2006 16:07, просмотров: 1) ответил Ivanos на Подскажите есть 16 устройств с CAN интерфейсом
В принципе - не должно :) Даташит на PCA82C250:
A current limiting circuit protects the transmitter output
stage against short-circuit to positive and negative battery
voltage. Although the power dissipation is increased
during this fault condition, this feature will prevent
destruction of the transmitter output stage.
If the junction temperature exceeds a value of
approximately 160 °C, the limiting current of both
transmitter outputs is decreased. Because the transmitter
is responsible for the major part of the power dissipation,
this will result in a reduced power dissipation and hence a
lower chip temperature. All other parts of the IC will remain
in operation. The thermal protection is particularly needed
when a bus line is short-circuited.